Jollyfood AB Odooversion 10.0-20200827
Information om Jollyfood AB instans av Odoo, fritt affärssystemet.
Installerade applikationer
- Säljstöd (CRM)
- Leads, Möjligheter, Aktiviteter
- Projekt
- Projects, Tasks
- Lagerhantering
- Inventarie, Logistik, Warehousing
- Försäljning
- Quotations, Sales Orders, Invoicing
- Kassa
- Pekskärmsinterface för affärer
- Diskutera
- Diskussioner, E-post Listor, Nyheter
- Semesterplanering
- Holidays, Allocation and Leave Requests
- Fakturering
- Send Invoices and Track Payments
- Bokföring
- Finansiell och analytisk bokföring
- Issue Tracking
- Support, Bug Tracker, Helpdesk
- Produktivitet
- Sticky notes, Collaborative, Memos
- Webbplatsredigerare
- Build Your Enterprise Website
- E-handel
- Sell Your Products Online
- Inköpshantering
- Inköpsorder, Kvitton, Leverantörs Fakturor
- Katalog över anställda
- Jobs, Departments, Employees Details
- Deltagare
- Manage employee attendances
- Utgifts uppföljning
- Expenses Validation, Invoicing
- Infopaneler
- Create your custom dashboard
- Kontakt Katalog
- Kontakter, Återförsäljare, Partners
- Swedish Account Bank Statement Import
- Swedish Account Bank Statement Import
- Swedish Payment Order Configuration
- Swedish Payment Order Configuration
- BgMax Format Bank Statements Import
- BgMax Format Bank Statements Import
- Swedish Expense Tracker
- Add some expense products
- MIS Builder
- Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
- Project issue create account
- Add buttons to create accounting objects from an issue
- Project issue create account
- Add buttons to create bank statements objects from an issue
- Project issue create voucher
- Add buttons to create voucher from an issue
- Glabels Reports
- Reports by glabels-engine
- User mail client
- Administation of mail for users on client side
- Project issue upload attachement
- Add form for upload attachements to project_issue
- Website sale categories mega-menu
- A megamenu to display product categories in the online shop
- Mass mail kampanj utskick
- Skapa, skicka och följ upp e-post
- Kalender
- Personal & Shared Calendar
- Uppkopplade evenemang
- Schedule, Promote and Sell Events
- Bloggar
- News, Blogs, Announces, Discussions